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   TRM Public School Churu



  1. Parents and guardians will appreciate that absence during the term is not in the best interest of the student. They are asked not to apply for leave if avoidable, but a proper leave application has to be submitted under any circumstances. Leave can be granted to the student only on the following grounds:
    • In case of serious illness or demise of a very near relative.
    • To attend the marriage of his / her sibling, uncle, or aunt.
    • Any other occasion deemed fit by the school authorities
    • Leave will not be granted for more than four days.
  2. No student who has been absent on the previous day will be allowed to attend class until the parent fills up the “Record for Non-Attendance” for each day the student has been absent from school, stating the reasons for absence.
  3. A student, returning to school after recovering from an infectious or contagious disease, should produce a doctor’s fitness certificate permitting him/her to do so. Students suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to school:

Chicken Pox

Till the scabs fall off completely.


Till the child has completely recovered.


Two weeks after the rash disappears.


Until the swelling has gone; about one month.

Whooping Cough

Six weeks.


Six weeks.

  1. Students who require medical attention during school hours will be sent to the school infirmary with the concerned teacher’s signature on the “School Infirmary Record”.
  2. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than six consecutive days renders the student liable to have his / her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted solely at the discretion of the Principal and only after payment of a fresh admission fee.
  3. The students are required to seek written permission for leave before the commencement of the leave. In case the leave is taken on medical grounds, an authentic medical certificate has to be produced.
  4. Leave for half a day is not allowed at all, for security reasons. In an emergency however, written permission for leave must be taken from the Principal / Vice Principal / Co-ordinator / Headmistress / Headmaster, and the Class Teacher and the Bus In-charge should be informed, in case the student is availing of the School transport facility.
  5. The students must maintain at least 75% attendance in each semester. The percentage can be relaxed only on genuine medical grounds.
  6. If a child is absent continuously for more than three days due to medical reasons, then a letter from parents must be accompanied by a medical certificate.

A letter has to be submitted positively to the class teacher in case of any absence.

  1. The management of the school reserves the right to alter/change the school timings as and when the circumstance warrants.
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